Friday 8 April 2016

Sigiriya & Dambulla, Sri Lanka

The buses in Sri Lanka are literally crazy, but as we had tried every other mode of transport we thought we best give them a go too. We were making our way about 80 kms north to Dambulla & Sigiriya. The journey there was pretty smooth and took about 2 and a half hours. We got to Sigiriya, also known as Lions Rock, at peak midday heat - not exactly the best time to climb 1200 steps. Although I was dying, once we got to the top I realised it wasn't such a bad hike. The view was good but as the top of the rock is pretty flat, it looks like you could be anywhere. The view from little Adams peak in Ella was way more worth it. After we rested, it suddenly got super windy and we saw a cloud on its way overhead so we quickly made our way back down with a few monkeys as company. Luckily it was only spitting slightly and we carried on for the next visit of the day, Dambulla Cave Temple. This one was only 364 steps up, so felt pretty easy in comparison. It wasn't as impressive as we thought it would be, and we were glad we didn't make a separate day tour just to visit the temple, but it's worth a view if you're around. There were loads of monkeys about and Jake discarded our bananas while they were around - luckily they cleared them up for him within a heartbeat.
We got the bus back to Kandy right outside the temple and just as we did, the cloud that was looming earlier made its appearance again. The heavens opened and my god did it rain. The journey back was a little more erratic than the way there and involved lots of speeding, over taking and horn beeping. Once we got near to Kandy everything seemed to slow down and the traffic was pretty bad. It took about 4 hours to get back in total, by which point I was dying of hunger. When we finally got off the bus, we went to the first restaurant we saw, which was also one I had read about on a blog - the Kandy Muslim Hotel. The food was amazing and so so cheap, it cost us about £3.50 for 2 dinners, sides and drinks. We got a tuk tuk back to our place and crashed out as soon as our head hit the pillows. We had zero plans for the next day apart from knowing we were moving on. We figured we would be spontaneous and sort it out in the morning.
Pav & Jake


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