Thursday 7 April 2016

Pinnawala & Royal Botanical Gardens, Sri Lanka

We were up early to make our way over to go and see the elephants. We jumped in our guesthouse owners super old car as he drove us 40 kms to Pinnawala. We initially wanted to go to the elephant orphanage there, but he took us to the millennium elephant foundation instead. Most of the elephants were in chains and a few of the keepers weren't very kind to the animals. I wish we had just stuck with our initial plan, but we couldn't do much once we were there. We got to bathe one of the older elephants in the river - he didn't have any chains as they said he'd been there most of his life and his keeper was really kind.
On the way back to Kandy we stopped off at a spice garden. You don't pay for the tour but they expect you to buy something at the end. It was fine but I wouldn't recommend it as it just seemed like a money making scheme.
We then carried on our journey and went to the Royal Botanical Gardens back in Kandy. Jake thought he was going to die at this point, as he hadn't been fed or watered for a good few hours. We had some lunch and then explored around the gardens. They were really lovely, but you could tell it hadn't rained for 3 months as everything was looking slightly wilted. When we had got our taxi into Kandy the night before, our driver had pointed out the hundreds of bats flying around over the river. We went to check them out before sunset, and there was literally so many hanging around in the trees. A couple of them starting flying and their wingspan was massive. We had a bit of dinner and then heading back as we had an even earlier start the following morning.
Pav & Jake

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