Saturday 30 April 2016

Bentota, Sri Lanka

After a good nights sleep, I awoke to sore calves and finally understood why everyone dreads leg day. We hadn't planned where we were going for our next stop, but we decided that we wanted to head back to the beach and didn't want to be too far from the airport for our departure. Jake did a bit of research online and we chose Bentota, a coastal town about 65 kms from Colombo. We found an amazing place to stay on Airbnb but after looking on we found the exact same place much cheaper. We booked up for 5 nights and made our way over to Bentota. Once we drove up we realised we had done pretty well - the place was lovely, right on the lake with our own pool. We chilled for the rest of the day and went to check out the beach for sunset.
There's quite a bit to do in Bentota - as there is a lake there is a lot of water sports available and also water safaris. We chose to go to Lunuganga gardens, designed by British architect Geoffrey Bawa. The gardens were beautiful but we got stuck with an older couple who were looking for the underlying meaning behind the alignment of the trees - so it dragged a bit for us. We then made our way over to the Sea Turtle place. Our tuk tuk driver was the one taking us on the tour around the place and managed to make the owners son give us lots of baby turtles to let free into the deep blue sea. They were so cute flapping around making their way to their next adventure.
On the way back to our place, our tuk tuk driver recommended a restaurant, Diya Sisila . We went in to have a look at the menu and saw that they offer dinner on a catamaran on the river for a mere £7.50. We booked it up for the following night and arranged to come just before sunset. The next day we spent the day chilling at the beach and heading back about 3pm to go and get ready for our fancy meal. Our tuk tuk driver from the day before, picked us up and we headed over the restaurant. Just as we did, we heard thunder and noticed a cloud looming over. We got to the place and managed to go out on the catamaran for sunset drinks. We headed back towards the restaurant to pick up our starters and the heavens opened. It wasn't too bad as we had a cover and the wind wasn't blowing in any rain. It eventually stopped and we got to go out on the river again for our main course. We both agreed that it was one of our favourite things we had done in Sri Lanka. 
We've had such a great time in Sri Lanka and have seen and done some amazing things. Now we're off back to Colombo to make our way to our next stop - Thailand.
Pav & Jake xxx
P.S. Check out our little video below of our adventure so far. WARNING: Watching this video may make you want to book flights to Sri Lanka instantly. Keep your credit card out of reach.


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