Tuesday 5 April 2016

Ella, Sri Lanka

An extra night in Ella meant we got to squeeze in a few more of the sites I'd been pinning on Pinterest before heading out here. Sri Lanka was previously known as Ceylon until 1972 when they got there independence from the British. Ceylon tea is often boasted as the best tea in the world - So we headed over to Uva Halpewatte Tea Factory to check out how it was made. It was actually so interesting to see how much goes into turning little leaves into a much loved cup of chai. It's a long old process and we found out they send the best stuff over to us and keep the not so good for themselves - mainly because exports pay more for it. On the way back from the factory our tuk tuk driver stopped off to show us the tea gardens. They seem to go on for miles and miles, and props to the workers as it was pretty damn hot out there.
We then went over to our next Pinterest worthy view - Nine Arches Bridge. We got pretty close and then our tuk tuk driver just pulled over and pointed down a hill. It was a pretty steep long hill - no one told me I had to work in midday heat for the view. We got there and again the view was totally worth the trek. We were feeling brave and sat on the edge of the bridge for the famous shot. We headed back up the steep hill, just in time for the super slow train to pass through.
Pav & Jake 


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