Wednesday 23 March 2016

Mirissa, Sri Lanka

On Monday, we checked out of our hotel and headed straight to the train station to make our way down to Mirissa. We weren't sure if the tuk tuks would be able to fit the two of us and two backpacks in, but they had no hesitation at all and did some tetris magic to get us and our bags off to the station. There were loads of locals outside who were happy to point us in the right direction and told us where to get our tickets. It was only 440 rupees for the both of us - that's just over £1 each for the 3 hour journey.

When the train arrived everyone scrambled on, after a couple of stops we managed to sit down. It was pretty decent and we even had 'air conditioning' (aka open windows and fans on the ceiling blowing around the warm air). The view was beautiful, it runs right along the coast for most of the journey and you're basically just looking out at the sea and Palm trees. We arrived at our stop and were greeted by off road tuk tuks that took us straight to our guest house hostel. After a quick shower we headed to Mirissa beach to meet my best friend Charl and her boyfriend Dan for dinner. They had been around for a few days so took us to a lovely restaurant right on the beach front.

After dinner we waved them goodbye and got a tuk tuk back to our guest house. Our driver had literally no clue where we were going. He stopped about 4 times to ask people for directions, and took us in a massive circle then dropped us off in the exact location where he picked us up. We went back to the beach to get some wifi and got the number for our place. We tried again with a tuk tuk and he called up to find out where our hostel was located. He was a chatty driver and stopped over in the middle of nowhere, to show me an email from someone requesting his tour services and showing us selfies on his phone from people he had shown around. We politely said 'oh wow' and then asked him to continue to take us to our place to which he replied 'yeah yeah in a minute'. We finally got there and were greeted by the 4 dogs that the guest house has as security. I was pretty scared as they were jumping up and surrounding us. Jake was fighting them off as I was hiding in the corner and putting my bag out for protection. The owners eventually came out to warn them off and after turning our key in the lock what felt like 1000 times, we finally got into our room.

We spent the following day out at Weligama beach - Jake and Dan dabbled in a bit of surfing, while me and Charl indulged in the 30 degree heat.

Pav & Jake


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